Limbs, trees and debris are also generally cleared from areas such as maintained residential, commercial and church yard property. Larger pieces may also be left for your use as firewood. After trimming areas such as well kept yards and lawns around homes, businesses and church property, the crew may chip the plant material and remove it, or leave it for your use as mulch. Washington EMC takes great care to protect landowners’ property when performing scheduled right-of-way maintenance. The right-of-way supervisor determines the extent of trimming needed. Washington EMC crews typically trim a circuit or group of circuits, not necessarily following a specific street Washington EMC’s right-of-way technicians take care to clear the system’s electric lines of vegetation that could compromise the lines if limbs or trees fall due to disease, decay or storm damage. All lines are routinely inspected for encroaching tree growth and trees are trimmed on a five-year trim cycle so that 20% of our system is trimmed each year. Washington EMC is committed to preventing trees from contacting power lines. It is unsafe for anyone other than qualified tree trimmers to work near power lines. The co-op’s specially trained right-of-way technicians can safely do this work while making every effort to keep trees healthy. Washington EMC is required to keep trees trimmed to a safe distance from high-voltage power lines. Green Power EMC Energy Education Program.

Safety Demos and Tours of Washington EMC.We proactively take measures to protect our customers from rising fuel costs while reliably providing power as economically as possible. We are investing in infrastructure to ensure a more resilient power grid, creating a balanced energy mix and installing high-speed electric vehicle charging stations across the state, all while keeping your bill well below the national average. Call Before You Dig or Work | Electrical Safety.Search databases, industry studies and information regarding infrastructure. Our Community & Economic Development organization is supporting leaders in local communities to bring new jobs and capital investment to Georgia.

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